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February 22 [IN]terlaced International Screendance Festival Find Tickets
March 1 Audition to join the cast of ALICE (details below)
Inspired by Lewis Carroll's tale of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
join the cast of this original rock ballet for all ages!
April 6 You're invited to a Very Merry Un-Birthday Party! Find Tickets
May 31 ALICE Find Tickets

Sleeping Beauty
June 3rd, 2022 7:30pm Fagerbakke Stage at the Hartung Theatre
Meet the Faeries & Friends

Princess Aurora
Firstborn of the King and Queen, Princess Aurora's birthday celebration commands the attendance of her faerie and storybook friends.
Likes: Parties, roses, being her own boss, shiny pointy things
Dislikes: Being told what to do, laziness

The Lilac Fairy
The most powerful fairy in all of the land, the Lilac Fairy is the most respected of all the fairies. Wise and beautiful, she protects the well-being of the innocent.
Likes: Lilac flowers, healthy decision-making, children
Dislikes: Darkness, ill-intent, maliciousness

The Cats
Princess Aurora has many enchanted animal friends that reside with her in the palace. The cats are her favorite and best friends to play with.
Likes: Royalty, lavish comfort, purring
Dislikes: Curses, mice

Enchanted Princess Florine
The Enchanted Princess broke free from the tower her evil stepmother trapped her and saved her friend by bringing him with her. Unfortunately, she was a little late and her friend had already been turned into a bird.
Likes: Freedom, birds, glittering objects
Dislikes: Heights, her stepmother
The Bluebird
Transformed into a bird by his friend's mother, the Bluebird has to wait to be rescued by the Princess Florine to escape. Unfortunately, the spell can never be reversed.
Likes: Flying, the Enchanted Princess, technically challenging dance steps
Dislikes: Eating worms, cages
The Faeries
Our fairytale kingdom is a magical place that many faeries and enchanted beings call home.
All of the kingdom most respects the Lilac Fairy as their leader and fear the fairy of Darkness.
Lucky for us, the fairy of Darkness had a prior engagement on June 3rd and will not be in attendance at Princess Aurora's birthday party this year.
The Faeries of Tenderness
(a.k.a. Crystal Fountain Fairies, Candide Fairies)
As their name suggests, they give the gifts of purity, honesty, sincerity, and integrity.
Likes: Crystals, flowing water, being kind
Dislikes: Rude people, bullies, waiting
The Faeries of Joy
(a.k.a. Enchanted Garden Fairies)
Traditionally called Fleurs de farine, translating to "wheat flower", these faeries bring the gift of beauty since wheat flowers were historically used to make face powder for women.
Likes: Springtime, frolicking, parties
Dislikes: Winter, stingy people, being indoors
The Fairy of Serenity
(a.k.a. Breadcrumb Fairy, Fairy of the Woodland Glade)
This fairy is also referred to as Miette qui tombent, meaning "falling breadcrumbs". In traditional Russian culture, bread is a symbol of welcome, fertility, and good fortune. Breadcrumbs are sometimes placed in a baby's cradle as a blessing and this fairy is the embodiment of generosity.
Likes: Long walks in nature, meditation, sunrises
Dislikes: When people make fun of her name. She did not wish to be named the "Breadcrumb Fairy"
The Faeries of Playfulness
(a.k.a. Fairies of the Songbirds, Canary Fairies)
These sweet faeries bring Princess Aurora a lovely, melodious voice. Fun Sleeping Beauty fact: The variation order is symbolic--the Faeries of Joy (Enchanted Garden, second faeries), the Fairy of Generosity (Woodland Glade, third fairy) and the Faeries of Playfulness (Songbird, fourth faeries) are in that order because wheat flowers lead to falling breadcrumbs which then attract songbirds.
Likes: Singing, chattering, jazz handsDislikes: Cats, sitting still, being quiet
The Jewel Fairy
(a.k.a. Silver Fairy)
The Silver Fairy brings Princess Aurora the ability to remain flexible and malleable in the face of adversity. These qualities help Princess Aurora to adapt to the most unexpected of life's events with grace, ease, and a light heart.
Likes: Precious metals, gemstones, all things that glitter
Dislikes: Costume Jewelry