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Ballroom Dance

I am very excited to be teaching members of the Moscow community something that I am very passionate about. Ballroom and Social Dancing in general have been a part of my life for over ten years, starting with joining my high school ballroom team and competing with them in national competitions in various styles of Ballroom and Latin dances. Next, I joined the University of Idaho’s Ballroom Dance Company and toured with them nationally before becoming the instructor of record for Beginning Ballroom at the University of Idaho, where I have been teaching for the last six years. During our time together, I plan to teach four different styles of social dance: Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, and West Coast Swing.


Waltz is the.classic ballroom style, most of us already know the basic box step of the style. The word brings to mind the tailcoats and ballgowns of a ball to one’s mind. In teaching this, I will convey
how to count the music signature, a series of compatible
moves, and most importantly: what it is to lead and follow in this style.

Foxtrot is extremely similar to waltz in its international styling, sometimes being called the “four-count-waltz.” But the American styling embraces the big band and jazz movements from New York, allowing the style to stay relevant to modern and younger audiences. The same criteria will be taught that is mentioned for the waltz, but this will venture into enjoying the dance. Beyond just knowing the dance, enjoying the dance.

Tango: sensual, powerful, dramatic. But also a dance that looks effortless without loads of effort. International Styling is abrupt and staccato, with sharp movements and a flare for the drama. Again with
the criteria of learning how to count to the music and recognize the rhythm, understanding the drama of dancing with someone.


West Coast Swing is the second most popular style of swing in the area, the first being country swing. (Understandably) However, West coast swing is far more versatile and can be danced to any four-count
rhythm of music. Its also just a blast and also has the most opportunity to implement outside of class thank to the Swing Devis of the Palouse and several other opportunities in Spokane and CDA.

See you in class!
-Joshua Bianco

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